Add your message to our virtual tribute wall

Tell us why you are walking for epilepsy or include a name if you are walking in honour of someone. Your message will be pinned to our virtual tribute wall.


I’m walking to thank all of my friends & family who have adjusted their lives to support me on my living with epilepsy journey. I am truly blessed when the support I receive & the medical care from the epilepsy centre at Westmead Hospital. I am hoping that the funds raised will assist medical teams to continue their research & reduce the side effects from medications. Congratulations and thanks to all of the walkers - I may not be able to drive but I have learned I can walk!!


Epilepsy It's rocked me for 12 years. I'm extremely Thankful for friends and family who day to day. Know my journey and the role epilepsy now plays in the lives of myself and others around me. I'm walking to encourage others. To never give up. I'm also riding because AS an epilepsy warrior I can no longer drive. However riding has given me a freedom I never knew possible.

I hope u get to your target or over it .I have lived with Epilepsy all my life and I have 4 children now adults .But after having my kids my Epilepsy got worse .But good luck to every one who is walking for Epilepsy .


It's rocked me for 12 years. I'm extremely Thankful for friends and family who day to day. Know my journey and the role epilepsy now plays in the lives of myself and others around me. I'm walking to encourage others. To never give up. I'm also riding because AS an epilepsy warrior I can no longer drive. However riding has given me a freedom I never knew possible.

Helen Georgeades

I’m walking for my grandson Leo who had his first seizure while swimming 2 days before his seventh birthday. He is now almost 10 and is managing his seizures with medication. Love you.

Stevi O’Keefe

I’m walking for our daughter Ava who is 12 years old and was diagnosed with epilepsy at 8. Avas dream and goal is to one day get her license but she hasn’t got past 9 days without a seizure and her numerous medications she is on only seem to bring further side effects than they do seizure control. We want to raise funds and awareness into further research for new medications and trials to help people with refractory epilepsy like Ava has….because no one should have to go to sleep every night wondering they will wake up…especially a 12 year old. Every step and every cent counts! 💜🧡


Walking for you Lani, brave and courageous Lani Lou xox Go Team Lani

Izla Meers

Our Epilepsy warrior Izla Matilda Meers we love you and will do everything we can to educate the world about epilepsy and inclusion 💜💜💜

Tracy Weetra

I'm walking in honour of my beautiful son TYRONE WEETRA whom sufferd from epilepsy unfortunately he passed away last year in september 2023 from SUDEP i miss him dearly this walk is for you my son 🙏💜

Mia Kennedy

As someone who was diagnosed with epilepsy at a young age, this fundraiser was a very special one as I wanted to make a difference for individuals like me. The more people who know about about the walk the greater the impact. As of today 30/9/24, I have reached my target goal of 100km in 25 days & I could not be more grateful for everyone’s support. My aim for this fundraiser was to raise money & spread awareness so that other individuals don’t have to go through epilepsy alone ❤️

Liz Shaw

I’m walking/running 100kms this October to say say thank you to the Epilepsy Foundation for all the support and training they provided my family this year after our 13yo daughter Olivia was diagnosed with Childhood Absence Epilepsy after suffering her first tonic clonic seizure in April.


Team LANI 💜 Walking for our amazing daughter Alannah who has GAND - Gatad2b associated neurodevelopmental disorder with Lennox Gastaut Syndrome and a Developmental Epileptic Encephalopathy. Amazes us every day with her bravery, enthusiasm and love of life.


I am walking for myself as I have lived with Epilepsy since age 12. I am also walking in support of other people with Epilepsy and their families. Epilepsy is a tough gig, but does not define us. It is possible to live a full and fulfilling life with Epilepsy. I am living proof 💟💟💟

Bayley Horton

My beautiful daughter was disgnosed at the age of 8 years old with Absence seizures, then it changed to Jeavons Syndrome at 10 years old. Then unfortunately at 16 years old she started having tonic clonic seizures that progressively became longer and more severe. Thankfully with medication Bayley has been seizure free for 2 years, but she cannot get her licence due to myoclonic seizures. Her medications cause horrible side effects and her life has been impacted on every level. She is amazing and her strength inspires us everyday!

Skye McCall

Im walking for my beautiful 2 year old daughter Blair. Blair has experienced & been diagnosed with 4 types of seizures. She was only 3 days old when it all began & what a rollercoaster of a journey its been so far. I want to try to raise money & make a difference for Blair & other people living with Epilepsy. 💜

Shannon Stevenson

I am walking for Epilepsy in memory of my niece Eliza. I realise I hadn't shared a photo of her. She was just lovely. I see so many different types of epilepsy talked about here. Eliza had something called Lennox Gastaut Syndrome. She had a lot of seizures every day. There wasn't a day I remember she didn't have a seizure. I hope the money I raise can help others.

Tara hutton

We are walking for our Dad Mark who lived with epilepsy. We have recently lost him and this is a small way we can unite as a family even in different states and walk for such a great cause

Stella Cox

We’re walking for our sweet little possum who cannot yet walk because of her rare NEXMIF related developmental epileptic encephalopathy. One day we hope to never see another seizure and for you to play and enjoy all life has to offer ✨🌞


We are walking for my beautiful epilepsy warrior daughter. My daughter has Doose syndrome a rare form of epilepsy. She is the sweetest and strongest person I know. 💜💜💜💜


Hi my name is Harlow Poppy and I am a 10 month old warrior with SCN8A but that certainly doesn’t define me! I was diagnosed with SCN8A Epilepsy at just the small age of 4 months. Seizure after seizure, I have still managed to learn how to eat all my favourite meals, crawl, wave, clap and also potty train! Just to name a few. I have the most loving and supportive family right by my side through it all! My current favourite things are definitely Ms Rachel, reading books with Nanny and cuddles from Mum. My Mum is a 19 year old first time mum who is just getting the gist of it all and learning not only the new ropes of motherhood but also our new road of lifelong Epilepsy. Mum, Dad & Myself are all learning new things everyday day about me and my condition and we strive to do the best we can! It is so nice knowing there are others out there right by our side supporting every step we take. Many Thanks -Harlow

Mary-Anne Green

I am walking for my little warrior who has a rare syndrome called Doose. He has a genetic mutation believed to be the cause. He was diagnosed a few weeks before his second birthday. And has fought hard to get to where he is today.

Jessica Langston

I'm walking for my beautiful first born Jack. He was diagnosed at 4 months old with a possible genetic generalised epilepsy, and more recently diagnosed with Petit Mal seizures as well. This is our first Walk for Epilepsy, we're hoping to teach others a little more about his "superpower" (his words 🥰). We hope we do you proud baby!


I'm walking for my incredibly amazing son's who live with Epilepsy and inspire me daily! Thank you Chris and Alex for being the wonderful, resilient, strong, kind, clever and caring young men you are! Thank you for always raising understanding and awareness of Epilepsy! 💜


💜 Jack and Hamish 💜 From age 7 to 13 years old. Amazing Epilepsy warriors showing courage everyday. Let’s keep fundraising for a cure 💜


Hello everyone I am walking for myself who has epilepsy. I also walk for others who have it too because I understand how difficult it can be. I want to encourage others to stay strong throughout your journeys and know that we may have epilepsy but we can push through it. Just know that even when life gets tough don’t give up you can do this. This won’t last forever!

Kym Meers

Izla from 4months old until now - 14 years old you have shown resilience, determination, courage and bravery. You are our absolute inspiration and Epilepsy Warrior. Keep fighting this horrible disease- as we keep fighting for a cure! We love you xxxx

Jennifer Crawford

To Jackson, you’ve had a tough time with this epilepsy stuff since you were 8 months old. We love you so such and are so proud of everything you have already achieved and we know you will achieve so much more. Love Aunty Jen and Uncle Tom

Personally am doing the Walk for Epilersy for a friend of mine who has a rare form of Epilepsy, and a child who was diagnosed at a younger age aswell. All live in a regional zone. I also know some other people who were diagnosed and are stable. Personally I was diagnosed when I was 16 and have been seizure free for a long time. I am one of the fortunate one's but I know others who are worse off

Rebecca Gardner

Walking for my boy, Tristan. I miss him and love him dearly❣️ 11/12/1999 - 21/06/2016

Shannon Stevenson

Walking for my beautiful niece Eliza. 18/06/1991-02/11/2012