Legging it for Luce

We've created this team because..

We want to raise money and make a difference by taking part in Walk for Epilepsy. Please help us by giving whatever you can using the 'Give Now' button. The more people that know about the walk, the greater the impact, so please also spread the word by sharing our page with your friends and family. Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot!

Our Achievements

Logged first KM

50% Distance Target

100% Distance Target

Thank you to our Sponsors


The Rouse’s

Happy walking Team Lucy 💜 xo


Kylie Ellis


Kathryn Galvin

Good luck team!


Adam Raymond Wise


Sharyn Salomon


Sharyn Salomon


Sharyn Salomon


Suzanne Sheahan


Bec Crisp


Natalie Raccanello

Let’s go Karen


Sheryl Goulter


Jane Lavery


Jane Lavery


Lauren Ferson

Awesome Jess and Team 🥰


Nat Crisp

Happy walking guys. Jess 100ks totally justifies a new pair of walking shoes 😜


Jules Roberts

Good luck Spruce 🥰