Team Johns

We've created this team because..

Living with Epilepsy is one of the hardest journeys. Our daughter and Friend Mason Johns shows us all what true determination and strength is. We want to raise money and make a difference by taking part in Walk for Epilepsy. Please help us by giving whatever you can using the 'Donate' button. The more people that know about the walk, the greater the impact, so please also spread the word by sharing our page with your friends and family. Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot!

Our Achievements

Logged first KM

50% Distance Target

100% Distance Target

Thank you to our Sponsors


George Family

Team Johns will always have our support xx



Good work team!


Keirl Family

Gretel , Mason, Eden your entire family are just champions in my eyes. An absolute pleasure to be part of team Johns and support you on your quest


Claire Wootton

Go Team Johns. X


Trainor Taekwondo


Jane Mcintyre

Go Team Johns. You’ve got this Gretel! 💪 great initiative.


Lili Teichman

Well done you, Elle. I’m so proud of you!!!




Pamela M Desmares

So proud 🤩


Fiona Coates

Go hard or go home Gretel 💪💪 awesome work Team John's. Onwards and upwards to a brighter future for all those living with this chronic condition.


Susie Leibling


Caitlin Davidson


Elle Teichman


Elizabeth Hamilton

So proud of you Mason and Gretel!!


Aunty Amy

Well done Pops xx


Gretel Johns


Laura Radisich

Go Team Johns


Poppie Keirl


Maisie Keirl